


标签: 澳洲移民加拿大移民

1. Schedule 2 职业需要有一年以上的提名职业相关的全职雇主offer才能担保。

2. 所有1,2开头的职业雅思要求4个7,其他职业雅思4个6。

3. 近10年内有1年澳洲相关工作经验或3年境外相关工作经验。

4. 如果职业在担保清单上,且申请 489 (Skilled Regional)签证,则需要在西澳偏远地区有一年以上相关职业的全职job offer,或者在该区域找到3个相关职业的工作机会(找3个招聘信息)。

5. 对于提名职业在 Schedule 2 的190签证申请人,需要有一年以上相关职业的全职job offer才能担保。



Western Australian skilled migration occupation list 2015–​16

​ANZSCO code* Skilled occupation Assessing authority Status Schedule


111111 Chief executive or managing director AIM Available Schedule 2
121214 Grain, oilseed or pasture grower VETASSESS Available Schedule 1
121312 Beef cattle farmer VETASSESS Available Schedule 1
121313 Dairy cattle farmer VETASSESS Available Schedule 1
121322 Sheep farmer VETASSESS Available Schedule 1
121411 Mixed crop and livestock farmer VETASSESS Available Schedule 1
132311 Human resource manager AIM Available Schedule 2
133111 Construction project manager VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
133112 Project builder VETASSESS Available Schedule 1
133211 Engineering manager AIM / Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
133512 Production manager (manufacturing) VETASSESS Closed​​ Schedule 1
134111 Child care centre manager TRA Available Schedule 1
134211 Medical administrator VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
134212 Nursing clinical director ANMAC Available Schedule 2
139912 Environmental manager VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
​141111 Cafe or restaurant manager**  ​ VETASSESS Closed ​Schedule 1


221111 Accountant (general) CPAIPA​ICAA​ Available Schedule 2
222311 Financial investment adviser VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
222312 Financial investment manager VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
231111   Aeroplane pilot  CASA Available  Schedule 1
231113   Flying instructor  VETASSESS Available  Schedule 1
231114   Helicopter pilot  CASA  Available  Schedule 1
231211 Master fisher VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
231212   Ship's engineer  AMSA  Available Schedule 2
231213   Ship's master  AMSA Available Schedule 2
231214 Ship's officer AMSA Available Schedule 2
232111 Architect AACA Available Schedule 2
232212   Surveyor   SSSI   Available  Schedule 2
232611 Urban and regional planner VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
233111   Chemical engineer  Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
233112 Materials engineer Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
233211   Civil engineer  Engineers Australia  Available Schedule 2
233212   Geotechnical engineer  Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
233213 Quantity surveyor AIQS Closed​​ Schedule 2
233214 Structural engineer Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
233215 Transport engineer Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
233311   Electrical engineer  Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
233411 Electronics engineer Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
233511 Industrial engineer Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
233512   Mechanical engineer  Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
233513   Production or plant engineer  Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
233611   Mining engineer (excluding petroleum)  Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
233612   Petroleum engineer  Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
233911 Aeronautical engineer Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
233912 Agricultural engineer Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
233913 Biomedical engineer Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2​
233915 Environmental engineer Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
​​234111 ​Agricultural consultant VETASSESS ​Available ​Schedule 2
234112 Agricultural scientist VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
234211 Chemist VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
234411 Geologist VETASSESS Closed​ Schedule 2
​234412 ​Geophysicist VETASSESS Available​ Schedule 2
​234514 ​Biotechnologist VETASSESS ​Closed ​​Schedule 1
234611   Medical laboratory scientist  AIMS Available Schedule 2
234711 Veterinarian AVBC Available Schedule 2
​234912 ​Metallurgist VETASSESS ​Available ​Schedule 2​
241111 Early childhood (pre-primary school) teacher AITSL Available Schedule 2
241213 Primary school teacher AITSL Available Schedule 2
241311 Middle school teacher AITSL Available Schedule 2
241411 Secondary school teacher AITSL Available Schedule 2
241511 Special needs teacher AITSL Available Schedule 2
241512 Teacher of the hearing impaired AITSL Available Schedule 2
241513 Teacher of the sight impaired AITSL Available Schedule 2
251211 Medical diagnostic radiographer AIR Available Schedule 2
251212 Medical radiation therapist AIR Available Schedule 2
251213 Nuclear medicine technologist ANZSNM Available Schedule 2
251214 Sonographer AIR Available Schedule 1
251311 Environmental health officer VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
251312 Occupational health and safety adviser VETASSESS Available   Schedule 2
251411 Optometrist OCANZ Available Schedule 2
251412 Orthoptist VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
251511 Hospital pharmacist APharmC Available Schedule 2
251512 Industrial pharmacist VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
251912 Orthotist or prosthetist VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
252112 Osteopath AOAC​ Available Schedule 2
252311 Dental specialist ADC Available Schedule 2
252312 Dentist ADC Restricted Schedule 2
252411 Occupational therapist OTC Available Schedule 2
252511 Physiotherapist APC Available Schedule 2
252611 Podiatrist APodC / ANZPAC Available Schedule 1
252711 Audiologist VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
252712 Speech pathologist SPA Available Schedule 2
253111 General practitioner Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 2
253112 Resident medical officer Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 2
253211 Anaesthetist Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 2
253311 Specialist physician (general medicine) Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 2
253312 Cardiologist Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 1
253313 Clinical haematologist Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 1
253314 Medical oncologist Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 1
253315 Endocrinologist Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 1
253316 Gastroenterologist Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 1
253317 Intensive care specialist Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 2
253318 Neurologist Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 1
253321 Paediatrician Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 2
253322 Renal medicine specialist Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 1
253323 Rheumatologist Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 1
253324 Thoracic medicine specialist Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 1
253399 Specialist physicians nec Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 1
253411 Psychiatrist Medical Board of Australia Available   Schedule 1
253511 Surgeon (general) Medical Board of Australia Available   Schedule 1
253512 Cardiothoracic surgeon Medical Board of Australia Available   Schedule 1
253513 Neurosurgeon Medical Board of Australia Available   Schedule 1
253514 Orthopaedic surgeon Medical Board of Australia Available   Schedule 2
253515 Otorhinolaryngologist Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 1
253516 Paediatric surgeon Medical Board of Australia Available   Schedule 1
253517 Plastic and reconstructive surgeon Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 2
253518 Urologist Medical Board of Australia Available   Schedule 1
253521 Vascular surgeon Medical Board of Australia Available   Schedule 1
253911 Dermatologist Medical Board of Australia Available   Schedule 1
253912 Emergency medicine specialist Medical Board of Australia Available   Schedule 2
253913 Obstetrician and gynaecologist Medical Board of Australia Available   Schedule 1
253914 Ophthalmologist Medical Board of Australia Available   Schedule 1
253915 Pathologist Medical Board of Australia Available   Schedule 2
253917 Diagnostic and interventional radiologist Medical Board of Australia Available   Schedule 2
253918 Radiation oncologist Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 1
253999 Medical practitioners nec Medical Board of Australia Available Schedule 1
254111   Midwife   ANMAC  Available   Schedule 2
254211 Nurse educator ANMAC Available Schedule 2
254311 Nurse manager ANMAC Available Schedule 2
254411 Nurse practitioner ANMAC Available Schedule 2
254412   Registered nurse (aged care)  ANMAC Available    Schedule 2
254413   Registered nurse (child and family health)  ANMAC  Available    Schedule 2
254414   Registered nurse (community health)  ANMAC  Available    Schedule 2
254415   Registered nurse (critical care and emergency)  ANMAC  Available    Schedule 2
254416 Registered nurse (development disability) ANMAC  Available Schedule 2
254417   Registered nurse (disability and rehabilitation)  ANMAC  Available    Schedule 2
254418 Registered nurse (medical) ANMAC Available Schedule 2
254421   Registered nurse (medical practice)  ANMAC  Available    Schedule 2
254422   Registered nurse (mental health)  ANMAC  Available    Schedule 2
254423   Registered nurse (perioperative)  ANMAC  Available    Schedule 2
254424   Registered nurse (surgical)  ANMAC  Available    Schedule 2
254425 Registered nurse (paediatrics) ANMAC Available Schedule 2
254499 Registered nurses nec ANMAC Available Schedule 2
262112 ICT security specialist ACS Available Schedule 2
263111 Computer network and systems engineer ACS Available Schedule 2
263112 Network administrator ACS Available Schedule 2
263113 Network analyst ACS Available Schedule 2
263311 Telecommunications engineer Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
263312 Telecommunications network engineer Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
271111 Barrister LPBWA Available Schedule 1
271311 Solicitor LPBWA Available Schedule 2
​272112 ​Drug and alcohol counsellor VETASSESS ​Available ​Schedule 2
​272114 ​Rehabilitation counsellor VETASSESS ​Available ​Schedule 2
272311   Clinical psychologist  APS  Available    Schedule 2
272399 Psychologists nec APS Available Schedule 2
​​272511   Social worker  AASW  Available   Schedule 2
​272613 ​Welfare worker ​ACWA​ ​Available​ ​Schedule 2

Technicians and trades workers

311211 Anaesthetic technician VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
311214 Operating theatre technician VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
​311215 ​Pharmacy technician VETASSESS ​Available ​Schedule 2​
311312 Meat inspector VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
312113 Building inspector VETASSESS Available     Schedule 1
​312114 ​Construction estimator VETASSESS ​Closed ​Schedule 1
312311   Electrical engineering draftsperson  Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
312312   Electrical engineering technician    TRA Available    Schedule 2
312411 Electronic engineering draftsperson Engineers Australia Available Schedule 2
312412 Electronic engineering technician TRA Available Schedule 2
312913   Mine deputy  VETASSESS Available     Schedule 2
​​323111 ​Aircraft maintenance engineer (avionics) TRA ​Available ​Schedule 2​
​323113 ​Aircraft maintenance engineer (structures) TRA ​Available  ​Schedule 2
323211   Fitter (general) TRA Available     Schedule 2
​331111 ​Bricklayer TRA ​Available  ​Schedule 2​
​333211 ​Fiborous plasterer TRA ​Available   ​Schedule 2​
​333212 ​Solid plasterer ​​TRA ​Available ​Schedule 2​​
​333411 ​Wall and floor tiler ​​TRA ​Available   ​Schedule 2​​
341111  Electrician (general) TRA Available     Schedule 2
341112 Electrician (special class) TRA Available Schedule 2
342111  Airconditioning and refrigeration mechanic TRA Available     Schedule 2
​342313 ​Electronic equipment trades worker TRA ​Available ​Schedule 2​
342412 Telecommunications cable jointer TRA Available Schedule 2
342413 Telecommunications linesworker TRA Available Schedule 2
​342414 ​Telecommunications technician TRA ​Available ​Schedule 2​
351311  Chef**  TRA Available Schedule 2

Community and personal service workers

411111 Ambulance officer VETASSESS Available Schedule 2
​411112  ​Intensive care ambulance paramedic VETASSESS ​Available ​Schedule 2​
441212 Fire fighter VETASSESS Available Schedule 2






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自从澳洲引入EOI甄选系统以来,澳洲移民越发是个技术活。 在当前澳洲移民政策下,不代表你够分了你就可以移民。而是你要在够分的基础上被 EOI选上才行。也就是大家都够分基础上,你最好在配额用完之前赶紧递交,同时尽量提高分数,让自己处于竞争性。本网接触了太多本身够分的人,就因为移民配额用完了,只能等后几个月的配额。移民赶早不赶晚是真理。